Friday, August 30, 2013

Writing Personal Essays

As Writer Abroad edits her collection of essays about life in Switzerland, she is naturally on the lookout for essay markets she hasn’t considered. In her search, she has come across some interesting resources:

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to write personal essays, The New York Times has 10 Personal Writing Ideas to get you started. (Writer Abroad is glad to hear she is not the only one that has used modeling as a method of inspiration.)

On Meghan Ward’s website, Writerland, she has one of the most informative posts Writer Abroad has come across on where to publish personal essays: 20 Great Places to Publish Personal Essays.

Writer Abroad hasn’t used MediaBistro for awhile, but they have a great series on Personal Essay Markets. Unfortunately, one must be an AvantGuard member to read them. Writer Abroad wishes that instead of paying a big yearly membership to read one series, she could just pay a small fee per article.

Anyone else know of great personal essay writing resources?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Poets Abroad, Writing in a Second Language & More

Some of the latest news in the international writing world:

McSweeney’s and the Poetry Foundation has published a new collection titled, The Strangest of Theaters: Poets Writing Across Borders. It helps poets discover opportunities abroad such as fellowships, translations, festivals, residencies, English instruction jobs, and volunteer postings.

There’s a great interview from author Carol Tice on how to write and promote a business book over on Urban Muse Writer. She also discusses how important blogging can be for landing a book deal.

UNESCO statistics show that the US attracts 21% of all students studying abroad. Toni Summers Hargis has written an informative guide for those looking to study in the United States called, The Stress-free Guide To Studying in the States.

As a writer, can you become born again if you write in a second language? Costica Bradatan, writing for The New York Times, says yes.

Any interesting news to add from your part of the world? Leave a comment.


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